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List of API Calls»API Call - Update List (Multip…
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Last modified on 12/08/2016 14:45 by User.


API Call - Update List (Multiple Ports)


This call is designed to list updates for multiple ports and their associated objects, since a given version number.

format json, xml
port_id<n> The port's unique ID, where <n> is the index of the port you are requesting
vers<n> The base version from which to report subsequent updates, where <n> is the index of the port you are requesting

Call Format:

For all updates within a list of ports: /api/ports/update_list.<format>?port_id<n>=<port_id>&vers<n>=<base_version>

Example 1:

Output: An XML object showing the versions of the port information and its constituent parts (summary, sections, plans/photos, ACE reports)

Example 2:

Output: An XML object showing the highest version level of the port and its constituent parts (summary, sections, plans/photos, ACE reports)

Output Fields:

Port version information

Output Fields Descriptions Examples
resource resource description port or country
resource_id ID of the resource, e.g. Port number 20 or GB
from_version Version number from which to report updates 11000
version Version number of update 56534
type Type of port data updated record
part Object updated port_facility
part_id ID of part updated drydock1
operation Add, delete, or update add

Output example:

Example Output - <port_id>.xml


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If you would like to find out more about or our Findaport API service, please contact us at Shipping Guides Ltd are recognised industry specialists in publishing port and harbour information for your various port entry requirements. For more information on our products, please visit

For port version information: /api/port/<port_id>/updates.<format>?version=<client_version>
For country version information: /api/country/<locode>/updates.<format>?version=<client_version>For port version information: /api/port/<port_id>/updates.<format>?version=<client_version>
For country version information: /api/country/<locode>/updates.<format>?version=<client_version>