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List of API Calls»API Call - Update List
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Last modified on 19/01/2023 11:14 by User.


API Call - Update List


This call is designed to list updates to a port and its associated objects since a given version number.

format json, xml
port_id The port's unique ID
locode The country's locode
client_version base version from which to report subsequent updates             

Call Format:

For port version information: /api/port/<port_id>/updates.<format>?version=<client_version>
For country version information: /api/country/<locode>/updates.<format>?version=<client_version>

Example 1:

Output: An XML object showing the versions of the port information and its constituent parts (summary, sections, plans/photos, ACE reports)

Example 2:

Output: An XML object showing the highest version level of the port and its constituent parts (summary, sections, plans/photos, ACE reports)

Output Fields:

Port version information

Output Fields Descriptions Examples
resource resource description port or country
resource_id ID of the resource, e.g. Port number 20 or GB
from_version Version number from which to report updates 11000
version Version number of update 56534
type Type of port data updated record
part Object updated port_facility
part_id ID of part updated drydock1
operation Add, delete, or update add

Output example:

Example Output - <port_id>.xml


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