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List of API Calls
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Last modified on 04/10/2023 17:56 by User.


List of API Calls

Introduction to API Calls

Call Format

Each article here shows the format required to construct a valid API call. Taking viewing a port summary as an example, the format of the API call is shown as:


where <  > represents the parameters required for the API call. In this specific case, these are:

  • the port ID
  • the format of the output
  • the APIKey

If the API key is abcdefg12345, and you would like to display the port summary for Algiers (port ID = 65) in HTML format, the API call will be:

This convention is used for all the API calls documented here. For more information, see API Call Format Description

API Calls

The API Calls available include:

Try the API Calls yourself

All the API Call examples in the API Call documentation are clickable. Just provide your API Key when you execute the API call in the browser window to see the output.

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Need an API Key? Click here here for more details.


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